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Batch PDF Encryptor PRO 1.2
12.11.2023, 20:51

Batch PDF Encryptor — это удобный, но мощный программный инструмент, предназначенный для массового шифрования и ограничения нескольких файлов PDF, обеспечивающий расширенные функции безопасности для защиты вашей конфиденциальной информации. Благодаря возможности добавлять открытые пароли, устанавливать ограничения печати и запрещать копирование текста, Batch PDF Encryptor предлагает комплексное решение для защиты ваших PDF-документов.

The best feature of Batch PDF Encryptor is it can automatically generate different random open passwords for each PDF file simultaneously, and save these passwords in a password CSV file. So no matter you want to protect different levels of PDF sensitivity, or to make it easier to locking different PDFs for different people, Batch PDF Encryptor would be a good choice.

Batch PDF Encryptor Highlights

Batch Processing
Batch PDF Encryptor stands out from other encryption tools by allowing users to encrypt and restrict multiple PDF files in one go. This feature saves time and effort, making it an ideal choice for individuals and businesses dealing with large volumes of PDF documents.

Random Password for Each PDF
One of the most distinctive features of Batch PDF Encryptor is its ability to add an independent open password to each file. This means that every PDF file can have its unique password, enhancing security and preventing unauthorized access. The open password acts as the first line of defense, ensuring that only authorized individuals can view the contents of the PDF.

Set a Password for Multiple PDFs
Like regular PDF locker utilities, Batch PDF Encryptor also provides a standard way to protect all of your PDF files with a single password, making it easy to keep track of and manage your security.

Printing Restrictions
With Batch PDF Encryptor, you can easily set printing restrictions on your PDF files. This ensures that only authorized individuals can print the documents, preventing unauthorized distribution and misuse of sensitive information.

Text Copying Prohibition
Protecting the integrity of your content is crucial. Batch PDF Encryptor enables you to prohibit text copying, preventing unauthorized users from extracting and replicating the text while reading your PDF files. This feature ensures that your information remains secure and confidential.

Год: 2023
: Windows 7/8/10/11
Интерфейс: ML
Лекарство: key
Размер: 4.7 Мб

Скачать Batch PDF Encryptor PRO 1.2

Категория: Системный софт | Добавил: nigolap | Теги: PDF шифратор, защита pdf, шифрование
Просмотров: 125 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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Облако тегов
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